Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Help Recycle

A key part of global warming is recycling. You and your school or family Can start by just recycling paper. Once you recycle things like paper, cans and bottles try not using disposable plastic water bottles. Their are environmental bottles that do not Emmit carbon dioxide into the air when they are being made. Something that also reduces your amount of waste is using less packaging when shipping and less paper from day to day. Use the backs of your paper and refill your water bottles more than once. By just recycling household waste you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Agriculture is being effected

Global warming is critical to agriculture because of how farmland responds to wind, rain, sun, and temperature. We have already changed rainfall patterns and climate e control. By protecting our ozone layer pieces like how hot the sun rays are can still Be stopped. Heat may be good for certain food climates but it is hurting farmers crops. For agriculture it effects the soil condition and the rat at which certain plants/food can grow. the carbon dioxide released into the air restricts certain plants from growing at an average pace and kills plants in general. This is also affecting live stock which cannot function in extreme hot or extreme cold weather. One element of food this also affects greatly is the fiber content.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What can your school do?

In science classes one simple way to create awareness about global warming is research carbon footprint quiz on Google search engine. This will give you a survey and ask you questions about your Daley routine. Once you answer these questions ti will tell you how large your carbon footprint is. You can also use the EPA's climate calculator online. By using this EPA program each student can figure out how much greenhouse gas their homes are producing and their school.Once the student shave taken these quizzes they can even upload them to their townships home page and compare their results with the surroundings school and places. Also, the elimination of using products like plastic water bottles at school limit the amount of waste you are putting into the air.

What are the health effects of global warming?

Many sicknesses and symptoms depend on the temperature of the earths climate. Things like parasites affect the sickness itself but things like extreme hot or cold weather can directly result on one humans death. The warm temperatures can increase air pollution and contamination of local water areas. The sickness and disease is also caused when being in large groups or around many people in the extreme hot weather. As of now humans are always affected by weather change, pollution in air and water, food quality and agriculture. The effects are proven to be small now but as time continues this will have a large impact on the human race.

Monday, March 3, 2008

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect deals with temperature regulation on our planet. It is considered an natural process of the earth. It is when the atmosphere absorbs heat by certain types of gases. They trap heat in the lower atmosphere and radiate heat downwards. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the two most popular greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse affect the earth would be about 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Greenhouse gases are not bad in themselves but the concern is if humanity is utilizing these gases to a productive point.

Is our sea level rising?

Sea level has been rising and 2mm per year over the last 100 years! Comparing this rate to the last thousand years the increasing sea level is progressing at a very fast and unusual speed. From 1990-2100 the rate is anywhere from 0.09-0.88 meters. This also depends on which greenhouse gases you are looking at and which greenhouses. The seal level has also been rising from frozen to unfrozen for a long period of time.

What about the future?

Climate models are used to gauge what will happen with global warming in the future. This test the climate behavior, its parts, And all of its different interactions. this of course is only an approximation of what can happen. Using these the first thing you have to do is compare the climate with your observations. See if they match up and if your data or hypothesis about the future was correct. The "IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios" can see how much greenhouse gas will be in our atmosphere in years to come. The IPCC bases their observations off of population growth, economic growth, and energy efficiency.